
The Bookshine Student Sponsorship Program enables youth in Nairobi to attend school and receive a good education.
Many students come from needy families, and some have lost parents due to Aids, other diseases and civil unrest. Sending a youth to school requires money to pay school fees, and buy school uniforms, shoes, exercise books, and hopefully some lunch – this is beyond the reach of many families.
£100 ($120) pays the school fees (including lunch and stationery) for one student for one term, and £300 ($360) covers the annual costs.

The school also has specific needs such as more books for the library and more lab equipment. Many classrooms are temporary and are wearing out, permanent structures are needed for the future.

UK donations are channelled through One Collective UK, a non-denominational Christian, evangelical ministry embracing a wide range of backgrounds. Working in over 60 countries in the world they seek to demonstrate and proclaim the love of God. See If you are a UK income tax payer, Gift Aid enables One Collective UK to reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you give, increasing your giving for Bookshine. (One Collective UK retains 15% of the total donation to cover administration costs).
Donations from outside the UK can be made through One Collective UK, but cannot benefit from UK Gift Aid.

Donations can also be sent internationally from anywhere through PayPal, the account is